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It Won't Prosper: Parable On Infidelity In Marriage Page 4

  Ok, she isn’t a tad bit crazy; she is out of her mind crazy. I look at the two attorneys and see they are both out of character as they watch like spectators.

  “Monica, you are not my wife. I never promised you anything, so you can stop with the dramatics. My offer stands, take it or leave it. Let your attorney know what you decide. The next time I expect to converse with you is after the birth of our child.” Seth pulls my chair out, helps me stand, and we exit the conference room. If this were really Maury Povich, a caption would read—tune in tomorrow.

  Episode Thirteen


  “Thank you, everyone, for another great quarter and enjoy the bonus that will deposit into your accounts tomorrow.” I exit the podium to the thunderous sounds of applause. My oldest brother Robert is walking by my side. He gives me a fatherly pat on the back.

  “Great job out there, I'm proud of you. When I retire, I know the company will be in the best hands.” A compliment from my brother Robert means so much to me. “Thanks, Robert, I appreciate that. Man, I do my best, and you always told me that is all it takes.” We pause and give a professional handshake. I’m excited about the contribution I’ve made to The Paper Mill. Robert is now the Chief Operating Officer, and I’m the Chief Financial Officer, and we have just had another record-breaking quarter. Our stocks are high, profit is above projection, and morale is high, all praises to the Lord for blessing us with favor in this ruthless marketplace.

  “You want to grab a late lunch?” Robert asks as he follows me into my office. I sit down to power off my laptop. I look up at him as he takes a seat across from my desk.

  “I can’t. I’m picking up Janine to take her to our doctor’s appointment. We’ll probably get an early dinner.”

  “Wow, I forgot you told me about that. How far along is she now?”

  “She is sixteen weeks, and this is the appointment we find out the sex of the babies.” Robert smiles at me.

  “That’s great Seth. I’m happy for you two.” He gives me a sobering look, and I know what is coming next. A few weeks back Janine and I had the family over and announced that she was pregnant. During the dinner, I pulled my mother and siblings into my private study, and called Lawrence and Elizabeth, and revealed to them all the facts about Monica and my other baby. Needless to say, they all rushed to comfort Janine, even my siblings on the phone called out her name. The situation could have turned ugly as my mother started to verbally scold me about doing such a disgraceful act against God and my family. However, my loving wife handled the situation with grace. She told them she had forgiven my infidelity and that we were fine. She also told them she would love “our other child” as her own. That day, I fully understood that I have a virtuous woman.

  “And how is Monica doing?” Robert asked. I knew that was coming.

  “She is doing fine. Janine insists I call her once a week to check on her, and I do. I ask her about the pregnancy, she tells me she is fine, and I hang up.” I rise from my seat and pack the folders I need in my suitcase. I need to leave, but my brother continues to pry.

  “So, she is staying at the apartment you pay for?”

  “Yes, Robert, she took the offer to stay there, and I pay her medical expenses,” I say with irritation in my voice. I told my family about Monica because she is pregnant with my child. I won’t discuss anything beyond that. Janine has forgiven me, and we are in a good place in our marriage. The only outside influence I will be taking is from our marriage counselors. Fortunately, Robert decides to drop the questions and gets up and walks out with me.

  “I didn’t mean to ruffle your feathers, just looking out for you. Go ahead and take care of Janine. I can’t wait to find out what sex the babies are.” I knew my brother meant well, but the key factor in Janine and I moving on is to keep the state of our marriage between us. We have provided Janine’s mother and sister who lives in Newark, New Jersey, the same information. That is as far as the sharing goes.

  “No problem, Rob, I’ll call you tonight.” We part ways, and I race to the car to go pick up my wife.


  It’s the best sound I’ve ever heard. The two heartbeats of my little angels. I’m holding Janine’s hand as we both look at the monitor where our babies are flipping and playing with one another. It’s amazing, and I can’t wipe the smile off my face if I tried. I look down at Janine, and she is just as awestruck as I am. We made miracles.

  “Everything is appearing to be going well; they both are growing as they should. Would you like to know the sex of the babies?” The doctor asks. I’m sure she said something else, but I didn’t hear her.

  “Yes, we want to know,” Janine responds. The doctor moves the wand around Janine’s protruding belly; I think a little too forcefully, but then she stops my thoughts.

  “Congratulations, you are the parents of identical twin girls.”

  Janine shouts, “Thank You, Jesus!" And I vow to myself to protect all three of them until the day that I die.

  The rest of the visit goes normally, and we are exiting to the waiting area. We stop walking because Monica is here. That smile I’ve been sporting for the last hour ceases. Janine lets out an exasperated sigh.

  “Hello, Seth, before you think I’m stalking you, I am not. I was experiencing some cramping this morning and decided to come in and make sure everything was okay.” She says this with her hands up in surrender. "When I was checking out, I saw her name on the sign-in sheet and decided to wait." I start to respond, but Janine speaks first.

  “Is everything okay with you and the baby?” There is nothing but concern in my wife’s voice, but Monica doesn’t address her; she turns to me.

  “Seth, everything is okay with our son. They did an early sonogram to make sure all was going well, and I found out the sex. So, you will be having a Seth Owens, Jr. in a matter of months.” Monica hands me over a copy of the sonogram picture, and there he is, my son. I am having two daughters and a son.

  Episode Fourteen


  “Mr. Smith, I show your package is scheduled to arrive on the third of October, the tracking number will be in the confirmation email I’m sending to you now. Thank you for your business and enjoy the rest of your day.”

  I disconnect the call and look at the large digital clock on the wall. It is five-o-clock, and I am ready to go home. It has been a long dreary day; I have been working overtime for the past several weeks to make sure I stay on top of my bills and mom’s healthcare. I’ve decided to take a step back from trying to force Seth to see the error in his ways. After that awful meeting we attended, Seth has not reached out to me nearly enough, and that hurts me to my core. Even if he doesn’t love me, shouldn’t he want to take care of his child? I guess he doesn’t care. I have to learn to accept it; I’m afraid of what I may do if I don’t. After he humiliated me, I wanted to bust his car windows out and scratch his and that precious wife he adores eyes out. But something stopped me. I have to put SJ first. That is what I’m going to call Seth, Jr. Faye and Tamala couldn’t believe I told Seth and his wife my son’s name at the ob-gyn’s office, but what other time could I? Seth doesn’t answer my calls nor will security allow me to see him at The Paper Mill.

  A while back, Tamala heard Janine and another member of their church talking about her ob-gyn, so I decided to use the same one. It was a coincidence that I was there that day. I had awakened with cramps and wanted to make sure everything was okay with the pregnancy. I love SJ; however, I am a realist. I need this baby to keep the home I now love. It was just icing on the cake for the Owens to be there, and I used that opportunity to wipe those happy-go-lucky expressions off their faces.

  Smiling at that memory, I make it to the elevator. I hear thunder, and the lights blink on and off as lighting sends sparks through the overcast sky. I don’t want to chance getting stuck in the elevator, so I make my way to the staircase. Before I can finish the first flight of stairs, I feel intense cramping in my abdomen. I just don’t believe they are
normal like the doctor said at my last appointment. I pause to catch my breath and hope it passes. The lights in the stairwell begin to flicker as my cell phone rings. I have to rummage through my purse to find it while continuing to breathe through the cramping. I look at the phone number on the screen, anxiety and heat rush through my body. It’s Oak Heaven, the facility where my mother is being cared for by nurses around the clock. I swipe the phone to answer as another round of thunder occurs, and the lights flicker off.

  “Hello?” I say with a trembling voice; I’m nervous.

  “May I speak with Ms. Monica Snipes?”

  “This is she, has something happened to my mother?”

  “Yes, Ms. Snipes, there is an emergency, and we need you to meet the ambulance at St. France Hospital.”

  “I’m on my way.” I end the call, and thankfully, the lights come on. I grab my small umbrella out of my purse and make my way through the torrential rain to my car.


  The drive to the hospital is awful. The clouds are dark and hanging low, the rain against my windshield is so thick it makes it difficult for me to see the road clearly. Cars are pulling off the highway to wait for the downpour to slow, but I can’t stop. I have to get to my mother. This thunderstorm came out of nowhere; the weather forecast this morning called for clear skies and mild temperatures. It was supposed to be a sunny day. The irony doesn't escape me. My carrying the child of the man I love should cause my life to be sunny and bright, but that couldn't be further from my reality. It’s like the world has gone in reverse. I’m gripping the steering wheel with all my strength to hold my car steady against the raging winds. Deep within, I fear this severe thunderstorm is nothing compared to what is coming.

  I finally make it to the emergency parking lot of St. France. Thank God they have valet parking. I toss my keys at the valet driver and dash into the hospital, making my way to the front desk.

  “Hi, I’m here to see Easter Snipes. I'm her daughter, Monica Snipes.”

  The charge nurse doesn’t type in my mom's name to give me a room number. Instead, she gives me a look of pity and puts up her index finger telling me to wait a minute. She gets up from her desk and walks away from me. It seems like hours but only a few minutes have passed when a doctor in scrubs comes out to greet me.

  “Hello, I am Dr. Blaine Washington. I am sorry to inform you. Mrs. Snipes had a massive heart attack and she—”

  Dr. Blaine doesn’t have a chance to finish his sentence as my knees give out, and I hear a wail that pierces my ears and my heart. The screams and sobs that followed were my own. Somehow, I no longer feel anything. Every limb of my body is numb. I barely can hear Dr. Washington calling for a stretcher and saying the words that were sure to end me. “She’s bleeding. The shock may be causing her to go into preterm labor.”

  Episode Fifteen


  Janine and I are at KMACK Photography having our third-trimester pregnancy pictures taken. For a woman carrying two lives inside of her, she is picture perfect. I look at her profile as she is draped in a white chiffon fabric that leaves her belly exposed. Radiance is she. There is a thunderstorm outside, but my wife provides the sunshine. She looks over to me while the photographer changes the lens on her camera. I wink at Janine and mouth I love you.

  It’s hard not love a woman who will stick with you when you have messed up in the worst way. I’ve caused this woman heartbreak by cheating on her and fathering another child. I don’t know too many women who could deal with this with the grace she has. But that is my Janine, she prays with me and for me. We have continued our counseling, and I am committed to Christ for the first time in my life. I owe Him my all because He touched my wife’s heart and allowed her to forgive me. More importantly, he knocked at the door of my selfish heart, and I opened up for him to cleanse me.

  Every day has not been perfect. In fact, Janine is against the distance I have put between Monica and me. She feels I should at least meet her at the prenatal appointments. I know better. I will not put fire in my bosom to be burned. I will love my son; although, I have to convince Monica not to name him Seth Owens, Jr. I don’t want to forfeit my wife the opportunity to have my namesake. Janine thought that was cruel and told me she was one and done with her two girls. Despite her objection, I had Attorney Edwards draft and send a letter stating my objection to the name. Monica will not dictate anything in our lives.

  The loud thunder pulls me from my thoughts, and I see Janine is done with the photo shoot. I pay the bill and go to get the car while Janine is getting dressed. The rain is coming down so hard, and there is hail in the mix. I shake my head at the fact our meteorologists with all their Doppler radars missed this front. When I am in the car, my phone immediately connects to the Bluetooth, and a call registers across my dashboard. It’s Attorney Edwards; maybe he has heard back from Monica about my objection to her choice of names for my son.


  “Good Afternoon, Mr. Owens, is this a good time for you to speak? I have unpleasant news to share.”

  The tone is Edwards' voice gives me pause. I’m now in front of the building, and Janine is standing inside the foyer waiting for me. I can’t leave her waiting.

  “Edwards, can you hold for a moment? I need to help my wife get in safe and dry with this downpour. It will be just a few minutes.”

  “Yes, of course. I will hold.”

  I reach into the backseat of my car for our large umbrella, and I rush to her. I am taken aback by the force of the wind; it is a raging wind causing the rain to rise from the ground in waves.

  I make it to Janine and hold her tightly to my side and quickly tell her Attorney Edwards is on Bluetooth in the car. She nods in understanding. I help her get in the seat while trying not to lose my grip on the umbrella. When she is sitting, I buckle her in and close the passenger door, making my way back to the driver seat.

  “Hey, Edwards, Janine and I are both here. Tell us what’s going on.”

  “Monica called me from St. France Hospital. She informed me that her mother has passed from a heart attack. She was crying uncontrollably for the duration of our conversation. I could barely understand her. Then a lady, who told me she was Faye, Monica’s best friend, she informed me that Monica’s mother passed and that Monica lost the baby.” Janine gasps and buries her face in both her hands and cries.

  “Thanks for informing me, Edwards. I will head there now.”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Owens. Be careful in that weather, talk to you soon.” I disconnect the call and reach over to console my wife. I don’t know what I feel, but just as finding out Monica was pregnant changed my life, hearing my son is gone has a greater impact in the worst way.

  “Seth, I’m so sorry for Monica. I can’t imagine losing my mother and children on the same day. Seth, you have to help her.” Janine looks at me with the purest look of concern. I don’t deserve this woman. I gently kiss her on the forehead and say, “We will.”


  I’m on my way to Monica’s room; Janine has insisted on sitting in the waiting area while I visit. She also informed me to be nice and show compassion, and to let her know she doesn’t have to worry about moving out of the apartment. I don’t deserve Janine.

  I knock lightly on the door and hear a faint “Come in.” I must admit the state that Monica is in terrifies me. My heart feels with compassion and remorse for her. I know she loved her mother and would do anything for her. I also know she would’ve loved our son. I rush to her bedside and sit next to her, holding her in a tight embrace. She sobs in my chest for a long time, and I try to give her the comfort she needs. I had a relationship with her for two years, and I feel her pain and hate she is faced with so much trauma in one day. When she finally looks up, she smiles through her tears. I wipe her face and try to console her with words.

  “Monica, I know it hurts right now, but you will get through this.” She nods her head and places it back on my chest.

  “I know I will now that you
are here. I knew you cared. I’m so sorry I lost our son; I lost Seth Jr." I feel my heart breaking for her. “But we can make another baby.” I jump up at those words causing her to fall to the side of her bed. Just then her friend Faye walks in, and it looks like I have harmed Monica.

  “What is going on in here?” Faye screams.

  “Nothing. I was here to offer my condolences to Monica, about Mrs. Snipes and the baby.”

  “Our son, Seth. We both lost our son and my mother,” Monica sobs. She looks in Faye’s direction while reaching for me. “But we are going to make another one. Right, honey?”

  I take a step back from Monica. It’s clear she is delusional. I was expecting Faye to go off the way she does, but instead, I see the plea in her eyes, asking me not to push her friend over the cliff with rejection. However, I cannot play games despite my sympathy for Monica.

  “No Monica, we will not be making another baby. I came here to offer you my support through this difficult time, but I am committed to my wife, and there is nothing more between us. Please call me if you need any help with the arrangements for the baby or your mother.” I say that and exit. I walk as fast as I can to Janine who is reading on her tablet. When I reach her, she puts the device away and struggles to stand. The babies are making it hard for her to sit and stand these days.